Tachyon Energy

What is it and what do I do with it?

A tachyon particle is one of the fastest elements known to physics.

Using Tachyon energy is using this super fast energy for healing and supporting your body and your circumstances.

Though never a substitute for medical attention, Tachyon Energy will help you heal faster and move through mental issues quicker, as well as make your life easier and lighter. This powerful energy can be stored in objects (imagine your child finding rest with her fluffy bunny toy that vibrates calming energy) and can be sent anywhere. You can actively support wellbeing in both yourself and your loved ones with this powerful form of healing energy.

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I have a degree in Reiki and always felt the tingling of the energy whenever I gave myself Reiki Energy.

Tachyon is even more powerful, able to heal on a deeper level and helping me feel amazing every day!

You can learn to use Tachyon Energy too

In one session of about 60 minutes long, I can activate your access to Tachyon Energy, so that you can use it too. To heal, to support and to make your life sparkle even more.

For more information, email me at info@morningmagic.live

Loving regards, Marieke
